Tag Archives: spiritual

Small Talk

How is my work?
How was my trip?
Where did I go, what did I do?
How is my team?

As if
That is who I really am

How is your family?
How is your wife?
What is going on with your health?
What a great new house
What was for dinner last night?

As If
That is who you really are

Tell me about God
Let me know you know God
That is all we really need to know

The End of a Line

A risk taken
Like so many times before
Yet always a bit different
And a little more exposed

My love is not selfless
What I offer I yearn for me
But it is through this avenue
That I will not receive

Yet this heart is not broken
Sorrow replaced with ecstasy
What new lesson was learned
That has always eluded me

What greater an affair
To offer one’s heart away
Like nothing is more vital
Watch the ego as it decays

It’s the end of a line
A substitute will not occur
But at the end of each line
There is a new world to explore

In this house of mirrors
Only my reflection will I see
Everything that I send out
Does return to me

In reaching line’s end
The mirror’s illusion will fade
Leaving only what radiates
Circles back and penetrates

No one to give
No one to receive
Everything one hopes for
Already exists if we believe

Until the lesson’s forgotten
And cycles will repeat
Another risk will be taken
Maybe next time we shall see

Standing on the Cliff

With distain I abhor the way I feel
Or is it the way I think?
The interplay between thought and feeling
Manufacturing the shadows on my consciousness

I stand on the lip of the overhang
Where I had stood so many times before
I look out to where I had stepped
On that bridge that just disappeared

Here I am again
Looking over the same cliff
Shadows creating the illusion
Is it there?

Swaying in the breeze
I just cannot tell what is real
My bruises still a little raw
From when I fell before

But somehow I should get to the other side.

What I’ve Come to Understand

What I’ve come to understand

She’s just an apparition
Or so it seems
A vision of loveliness
An inebriating smile
As she oscillates
In and around my life

Alas, like any ghost
When we reach out to touch them
They’re not really there

What is this illusion
That invades my mind
And takes over my brain?
Is it just a projection
Of an element
Of my inner being?

A soma to dance with
In a play of creativity
Home, family, service & community
The cyclic pulse of yin & yang
That give rise to “reality.”

Alas, like any ghost
Or, apparition
When I reach out to touch it
It’s only God that is there

The Soul Sits Deep

My Soul sits absorbed
Deep within my being
It brings motivation and meaning
To what becomes seen

Everything I am or do
Materializes from that place
Yet my soul remains unseen
In its internal space

The beauty
The perfection
Contained inside

The purity
The grace
Forced to hide

Behind a mask of language
And a cloak of beliefs
My Soul attempts to express
Yet it is taken by a thief

It bends and distorts
Who it wants me to be
It twists and denies
Who is the real me

Through no fault of another
This crime takes place
It is the imperfect patterns
Of our human race

Words, language
And systems of faith
The vehicles of expression
Of this internal space

Are taken as the truth
Instead of this great seed
That was planted and grows
Through some greater deed

Look deep into my eyes
And there you will see
The purity of God
Concealed in me

Now I am tired
And I must sleep
Or through my own laziness
I will cause others to weep

For I too am fooled
By the patterns of being
That cause me to think
What’s seen is what’s seeing